Elizabeth McLeod has collected and researched pre-1935 radio programming for more than twenty years. Her interest in OTR dates back to her teenage years, when she discovered rebroadcasts of historic shows on WMEX, Boston. Since then she's accumulated a collection of about five thousand programs, many of them unusual and rare. Her specific interests include, in addition to the very early material, the work of Fred Allen, band remotes, Vic & Sade, news material from all eras, and baseball broadcasts. Professionally, Elizabeth has more than fifteen years experience in radio journalism, and is currently staff writer for The Cybercasters, an Internet-based company specializing in on-line publicity material for the computer industry (www.cybercasters.com), and is also a contributing writer for the CBS Radio Network program "Sound*Bytes." You can contact Elizabeth with question, comments, or trade proposals by e-mail at lizmcl@midcoast.com. Elizabeth is a resident of Rockland, Maine.

The Old Time Radio Researchers are extremely proud to host Elizabeth's articles in its' 'Old Time Radio Library'.

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